Tuesday, June 5, 2012


Well, I'm back. 

If you're reading this, good for you. But, no offense, I'm not writing this for you anymore. I know that's why I failed before. I was writing for others. For humor or for people to be interested in my life. It's laughable now. Has it really taken this long for my heart to understand what my head has known for years? It's not about me. This blog is not about me. My life is not about me. It's so freeing to finally be able to write that. 

I'm not even sure what I hope to do with this blog yet. I'm not sure I want people to read it, but at the same time, I really want people to read it. Just promise me, if you read it, to remind me from time to time that it's not about me. It's so about our creator and our Savior and our one true God. And if the only person who reads this blog is my sweet husband, then that's okay too. He's really good at reminding me who it's all about.