Thursday, March 24, 2011


Cool story-

Every month Ben and I try really hard to stick to our budget. One of our tightest areas is always the grocery budget, and this month was particularly difficult. We got half way through the month of March when we realized we were going to run out of major groceries with about two weeks left of the month to go. We also realized that we were going to run out of money as well. We prayed about it and decided to just force ourselves to ration out the food that was left in our fridge until I got paid again in April. This meant a lot of meals with no meat, and hungry bellies through out the day. I got creative and searched our cabinets for any leftover cans of veggies or beans and tried to menu plan for the next couple weeks. Although we didn’t know how He would do it, we knew the Lord would provide for us. And provide He did.

On Saturday a friend gave me an entire sack of rolls/bread to take home. On Monday afternoon one of our neighbors sent her daughter over and gave Ben a giant sack of potatoes that they weren’t going to use. Hello potato soup! On Tuesday night a couple from our church invited us over for dinner and sent us home with enough leftovers to get us through lunch and dinner the next day. On Wednesday, the same neighbor that had sent the potatoes on Monday came by with two sacks full of groceries simply stating “The Lord has blessed us this month and we wanted to bless you.”

None of those people knew how much we were struggling or that our food was quickly dwindling! Ben and I have been so overwhelmed with the goodness of God and how he truly provides for our very tangible needs. I imagine this must be a tiny bit what the Israelites felt like when they thought they were going to starve in the desert and God sent the manna to fall from the sky. Thank you God, for the manna you provided us this month.


  1. God is so very faithful to provide! J and I have so many similar utter dependence on Him to provide has been my absolute fav part of being young, poor newlyweds!

  2. What an incredible blessing, Maggie. It is pretty incredible to see how the Lord makes this time in our life a learning process in trust. Lots and lots of trust.

  3. To answer your Costco, its not worth the money! That being said, we split the membership with my sis and bro-in law ($25 per couple). So J's name is on one card and my BIL's is on the other. Even with that though, I've done a lot of research and Costco isn't really that much cheaper than other stores. But its worth it just for the samples! :)

  4. mags I love this!!! God always comes through, even when we aren't quite sure he will. Now I am sure you two are much more willing and excited to trust God in all areas.
    love you! Hope this week is going well!

  5. Hi Maggie! I'm so glad you found my blog. I have thoroughly enjoyed browsing yours and reading of your amazing faith in our amazing God! I will be following. So excited!

  6. Hi Mag, thanks for your happy anniversary comment on my blog. :) It's crazy how fast one year goes by, happy one year to you guys too (a few months late)! It sounds like you and Ben are doing really well. :)

    Also, I just had to tell you that Ektos is STILL alive. What the heck? Most insane fish ever. :)

  7. I read this story a few weeks ago and was having trouble with blogger so I couldn't comment but I just want you to know how inspiring your faith has been. I actually shared this very story with my Bible study group tonight. Just know your faith has inspired not only me but 6 other women as well! :)

  8. That is a beautiful story!!

    I wanted to let you know about a new blog FEST about food, style & travel. Come follow along as I document my wardrobe challenge: to not but any clothes in 2012. It's gonna be great. Also, be sure to join the site so you can enter the giveaway.
